The customer is a Fortune 100 organization and one of the largest merchant acquirers in the world.
They wanted to reduce their terminal certification timelines and, thereby, their time to market. The time taken to complete the testing of each terminal is very high, as every test case has to be executed manually.
The customer's needs included:
We found that the time taken to execute all the test cases manually takes time, and it multiplies with the number of iterations. We built an automation layer in our EMVCo-certified L3 tool Tecto that executes all the given test cases in a few clicks. The merchant acquirer also installed a plugin that enables terminal communication with the Tecto's automation layer.
This plugin will get all the necessary information from Tecto to initiate transactions and indicate the completion of a transaction.
Our Level 3 test tool, along with the automation API layer, offers all of these advantages.
This largest merchant acquirer can now test and certify their terminal devices faster for different schemes and go to market in weeks instead of months.
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