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A Tale of Belonging, Growth and Support


Ah! Seven years ago, joining Payhuddle filled me with joy. It wasn't just about the job; it was about the people I would work with. 

Despite concerns about startups' longevity, I trusted in the team's vision and joined Payhuddle without a question. Zing!

In the initial days, we faced uncertainty and were filled with fear of failure, still, we stood united.

Gosh! Late nights and hard work became the norm, but my colleagues never left me alone.

We worked together, we stayed together at night and went home together. The trust and flexibility built a sense of responsibility within me, making every day a joy to go to the office.

The expected results came out sooner. One of our proudest moments was achieving EMVCo certification for TECTO.

Well! My initial days consulting project in Nepal presented its own set of challenges. Sent with minimal training (three days) and without direct senior support, the fear of failure loomed large.


However, I resolved to face the situation head-on. With a return ticket and a tight deadline, I had to complete the project five days before the estimated time. I tackled the project with determination.

Well! Despite the odds, I completed it within ten days, earning praise for our team's impeccable work. The same continued with all my on-site projects until the biggest change happened in 2019. 

Amidst the chaos of 2019's COVID outbreak, I found myself in Nepal when the urgent call to return home to India hit. But hey, challenges never stopped us! With lockdowns looming, we pivoted to remote consulting, guiding our clients through the digital maze.

Picture this: hour-long calls, hand-holding clients through every click, and calming down panicky folks. It was like remote tech therapy!

Then came our next adventure: diving into the world of domestic payment schemes, where I continued my remote work. But wait, we still had unfinished projects on our plate.

Did we complain?


We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. Along the way, we welcomed Jyothi to the team. Training her was a breeze!

Fast forward, our team grew, and my role shifted from hands-on to cheerleader-in-chief at Payhuddle. Watching the team tackle projects solo? That's our version of success. Oh dear! All those late-night training and endless support chats? Totally worth it.

Overall, our stories and customer stories highlight our commitment to prioritizing each other's experiences. Aha! Despite challenges, even now, I maintain strong connections with clients who have moved on to different companies, a testament to the enduring relationships we build. Right! Our customer stories are a tale of our resilience.

Voila! These experiences reaffirmed our dedication to delivering excellence and building lasting relationships with our clients and team members, even in the face of hardship. When I used to take care of our clients, my people would take care of me, even when I was away.

Despite working remotely, I never felt disconnected from Payhuddle. From celebrating personal milestones to offering support during tough times, Payhuddle's unwavering presence has made it feel like a second family. Alright!

This journey at Payhuddle has been more than just a career; it's been a journey of belonging, growth, and unwavering support.