Merchant Test Cards

Accelerate payment debug and UAT testing

Our merchant test cards help you simplify your payment terminal and ATM testing, Brand Type Approval, debug testing, and sanity checks on the debug and production environment.

It doesn’t matter if you are an acquirer, processor, terminal vendor, or merchant – our merchant test cards will help you ensure compliance across global and local payment schemes.

It is compatible with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, JCB, UPI, and RuPay and has the provision to accommodate other payment schemes.

Whether you’re testing EMV chip transactions, contactless payments, or PIN-based verification, our merchant test cards are designed to simplify the debug and UAT testing process. It enhances speed and reduces error in every test cycle.

Our EMV merchant test cards not only streamline debug testing processes but also help reduce time to market, ensuring your payment solutions are compliant, reliable, and ready for deployment.




One card for all types of terminal devices 


It supports all major payment schemes and transaction types.


Test cards designed for terminal validation.


Meets global EMV and scheme-specific standards.


Card log reader and log viewer as part of the package


Multiple test engineers can share the individual test cards for testing

Used by hundreds of banking customers in India and across the world in the EMV migration of their payment terminals and ATMs.

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