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DevOps culture: Building a collaborative and efficient team

June 10, 2024

Quick recap on what is DevOps?

DevOps is a software delivery methodology that has gained widespread adoption across the IT industry over the past decade and beyond. It represents an organization-wide cultural shift towards collaborative and integrated approaches to software development and support operations. At its core, DevOps aims to bridge the traditional divide between development and operations teams, nurturing a shared ownership and accountability for delivering high-quality software products and providing timely, reliable support services.

By reducing silos and encouraging cross-functional collaboration, DevOps enables organizations to streamline their software delivery processes, reduce impediments, and respond more effectively to evolving customer needs and market demands.

Why DevOps Should Be Considered an Organizational Culture

DevOps is ubiquitous and it is widely misconstrued as merely a set of tools or processes. However in reality, it is a cultural shift that requires organizations to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and collaboration. Agile, the predecessor to DevOps, emphasizes people over process over tools. This means that involving people in the process and encouraging their input is crucial for successful implementation.

Organizations should have a culture of change and be open to suggestions from all levels. Good insights, inputs may come from a very unexpected corner. People will feel motivated just by being listened to and appreciated. A simple management mantra is – Being part of something is one of the best rewards for many. By doing so, they can create a sense of ownership and motivation among employees, leading to better outcomes.

Implementing DevOps

There are multiple approaches to implement DevOps. But the key pillars of any DevOps approach are:

  • Involve people
  • Robust code repository and branching strategy
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Test Automation (Unit, Regression, Performance & Security)
  • Continuous Feedback

Involve People – This involves collaboration among development, testing and support (operation) teams to ensure seamless communication and understanding the importance of their roles and responsibilities.

Robust Code Repository and Branching Strategy - This ensures that all code changes are tracked and managed effectively.

Continuous Integration (CI) – This involves automating repetitive tasks in the development stage. CI allows developers to frequently merge their code into a single codebase and test it locally. A well-defined CI pipeline automatically runs builds, triggers unit tests, and enables code review using tools like SonarQube. Matured teams can configure the CI pipeline to be triggered every time there is code merge happened in the code repository. A reference Continuous Integration pipeline is given below. 

Continuous Integration Pipeline

Continuous Delivery (CD) – This is the process of automating code deployments to various target environments like Testing, Staging, User Acceptance, and Production. Continuous Delivery is carried out after Continuous Integration, ensuring that new code changes are built successfully. This process ensures that the code is thoroughly tested and validated before it is deployed to production. A simple Continuous delivery pipeline is depicted below.

Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Test Automation (Unit, Regression, Performance & Security) - This involves automating tests to ensure that the code meets the required standards and is free from errors.

Continuous Feedback - This involves providing continuous feedback to different teams on performance & quality of the code, test coverage, root cause of production issues, hardware capacity, etc. enabling teams to make necessary improvements.

Version Control

GitHub, Bitbucket, AWS Codecommit, Azure Repo, Mercurial

CI/CD Tools

Jenkins, AWS CodePipeline, GitLab, Azure DevOps

Static Code Analyzer

SonarQube, FindBugs, Checkstyle, Codacy, Coverity

Test Automation

Junit, NUnit, Selenium, Cypress, Cucumber, Appium, Katalon

DevSecOps: Integrating Security Practices

DevSecOps is an evolution of DevOps that integrates security practices at every stage of the software development process. This approach helps address security issues early on, rather than tacking them on at the end. Key aspects for effective DevSecOps implementation:

Secure Development Policy - This outlines security best practices, coding standards, and guidelines to be followed during the development process.

Automated Security Scanning - Enabling code and container image security scan tools in the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline helps identify and address vulnerabilities early in the development cycle. This automation ensures that security checks are consistently performed.

Application Vulnerability Testing (VAPT) – By integrating automated application vulnerability testing into the Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline, teams can identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before deployment, reducing the risk of security breaches.

Tools to consider for Security in CI/CD pipeline

Code Vulnerability Scanner

Snyk, Retire.js, Dependency Check


OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, Tenable Nessus

Docker Image Scanner

Docker Bench, Trivy

By implementing these key aspects, organizations can effectively integrate security practices into their DevOps workflows, ensuring the delivery of secure applications and reducing the risk of security breaches throughout the software development lifecycle.

How do Payhuddle teams do DevOps?

Payhuddle teams leverage various tools and practices to ensure effective collaboration and visibility in their DevOps processes. Here are some key aspects:

Jira Projects and Jira Service Management (JSM) - These tools are used for tracking critical deliveries and managing product delivery and support activities.

Daily Stand-up Meetings - Teams conduct daily stand-up meetings to track progress and ensure timely delivery of critical products.

CI/CD Pipeline - A Jenkins-based CI/CD pipeline was introduced to automate builds and deployments, significantly reducing build and deployment times.

Automated Deployments - Teams are actively automating deployments for products and projects, further streamlining the software delivery process.

SonarQube and Burp Suite Integration - SonarQube is part of the CI pipeline, and Burp Suite is integrated into the CD pipeline to enhance security and quality.

Secure Development Policy Workshops - Bi-annual workshops are conducted to instill security development and delivery practices, and the policy is now part of new employee onboarding.

Snyk Plugin and Regular Audits - The Snyk plugin is mandatory on engineers' local IDEs, and regular audits are conducted to ensure it is not disabled unwittingly.

AWS Codecommit and Code Access Policies - AWS code-commit is used with stringent code access policies to safeguard the company's IP from misuse.

These practices demonstrate Payhuddle's commitment to ensuring end-to-end visibility, collaboration and security in their product and project delivery processes.

Payhuddle CI/CD Ecosystem

Benefits of DevOps

By embracing DevOps culture, teams can achieve several benefits. They share responsibility for the end-to-end software delivery and maintenance process, and developers take ownership of operational aspects like monitoring and troubleshooting.

Operations teams contribute to the development process, providing feedback on scalability, stability, and infrastructure requirements. DevOps also encourages a culture of continuous learning and improvement, where teams regularly reflect on their processes and implement changes to enhance efficiency and quality.

DevOps is a powerful approach to software delivery that can bring numerous benefits to organizations. By adopting a culture of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, teams can improve efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.

To get started with DevOps, organizations should involve people in the process, automate repetitive tasks, and integrate security practices throughout the development process. By doing so, they can create a culture of continuous improvement and achieve better outcomes. “The Sum is far greater than the Parts”.

Sarang K

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